It was good to see you all after our winter break and to launch us forward into another year of bonsai.
The AGM threw up nothing new in terms of personnel, the same people took on the same responsibilities and were unchallenged for those positions.
There were however a couple other changes. The cost of hiring the hall has increased to £35 and I have now had confirmation that any all day events will cost us £70.
It was therefore agreed that we would charge £4 per meeting in line with the previously agreed £8 for workshops.
It was also agreed that the previously floated idea whereby the treasurer would act as banker to the club should be adopted as a twelve months trial run. All payments in and out will be countersigned in the ledger by a club member. This will simplify the role of treasurer, as using a personal account will allow the use of BACS payments and debit card purchases when required (club wire etc). It also avoids Lloyds Banks recently introduced account maintenance charges.
Regarding the meeting itself, Nigel brought in two beeches, one of which was an undeveloped multi trunked tree which he was encouraged to cut back to stimulate back budding. The other had a heavy characterful trunk with a “fused on” second trunk which has died back. It was suggested that this already partly rotted second trunk be stripped of bark forming a dead wood feature and suggesting more taper in the main trunk.
A new face, Matt, brought a white pine and received help and advice from Kev.
I chatted to Berice about a larch and a chinese elm and we agreed on a way forward which resulted in some wiring on both trees.
Mick helped Dave with his tree (a blackthorn was it, I don’t recall).
Roy, who has some experience with box, offered some input on Richards tree, a potentially dramatic twin trunk, but currently with two possible fronts!
And lastly, Alan brought his recently purchased large scots pine. He has been doing some carving on the deadwood area which has resulted in a dramatic improvement and was admired by all.