Report from Club Meeting 10th June 2024

Monday’s meeting was well attended with the return to the club of Kev Denney, a founder member who has been away due to work commitments but is now retired and back in the fold. It was nice to see his partner Liz again too. We also had two new members, Ron and Sue Tucker from Torrington, who brought in a privet in need of some TLC, but which should soon pick up when slip potted into some more free draining growing medium.
James did some refinement pruning on a recently acquired, rather handsome, triple trunked maple. Nigel worked on his large yew and a maple, reducing the upper foliage on both to redistribute vigour and produce back budding.
There was advice and help for Berice’s purple maple, Daves larch, Mick’s larch, Darren’s scots pine, Linda’s small leafed lime and Terry’s black pine.
Kev brought in a larch that he had bought at Exmouth on Sunday and quite transformed it with some judicious pruning.
Last, but not least, Alan brought a lovely yamadori hawthorn the styling of which he has been mulling over for some time and, after some discussion amongst various members, a consensus was arrived at which resulted in a plan and a way forward to get the very best out of a unique piece of material. I look forward to seeing it’s progress.
A busy and rewarding meeting.