Report from Club Meeting 8th July 2024

We had a lively meeting with 14 members attending and getting advice on a wide variety of species and issues to be resolved. Roy had forgotten to get his van MOTed so he was unable to be there.
My windswept hawthorn continues to attract ideas for it’s future development, in particular I liked Kev’s suggestion which would keep the back branch but split the foliage dome relieving the monotony of the profile.
Ron and Sue had an oak that needs a few years of thickening and a group of field maples the will need to be rearranged in the repotting next spring.
Berice got some advice on routine maintenance for her Loniceras and a fuchsia.
There was a bizarre shoot on Mick and Jeans forsythia which had appeared after branches were lost in a cat related incident. Darren’s suggestion that it was an emergency juvenile shoot seemed to be the best explanation. It was decided it should be left to do it’s work rebuilding the strength of the tree with the possibility of removing it next spring.
There was some heavy pruning going on for Alan’s cascade oak which continues to improve.
An interesting twin trunk juniper was brought in by James with Kev and myself broadly agreeing on the best way forward.
A very healthy looking hinoki cypress was worked on by Darren with input from Kev. This could be a very nice tree with time.
Kev had a cork bark Chinese elm with a beautiful trunk that he is developing.
Black spots on Terry and Linda’s lime leaves were assumed to be fungal and an appropriate spray was suggested.
Gail brought in a Chinese elm that just needs a more aggressive approach to pruning in the crown.
See you all next month, Alan